Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cool links

Anime is everywhere!  This link will explain almost to the letter why I love anime.  Why didn't I think to write it?

Here's some other links you might like.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What is Cosplay?

If you've ever wanted to know what cosplay was or what kind of women like to dress up in skimpy catsuits or schoolgirl uniforms this is the video for you.  It's not very informative and for that I'm sorry.  Just stick with me and I'll have better videos for you.  Thanks for watching!

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Are You Otaku?

In an effort to drive some traffic over to this blog I've created a video on YouTube.  True, it's not the best... Heck, it's not even good.  Yet, it's a process, not a destination and I'll get better at it.

Future episodes will feature lessons on what otaku is, where otaku hang out, lessons on how to get your hands on your favorite hobby equipment ...etc.

Here's the video, let me know what you think.

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

What is Otaku?

Welcome to the first post of the Sexy Otaku Blog!  I'm your host, Loy Williams, aka Fearkiller and together we're going to find the sexiest Otaku available.  I suppose the first thing we need to do is find out; "What exactly is Otaku?  The following two videos should get us off to a good start.

Otakuology with Nakagawa Shoko - Part 1
by HMMaster

Did you notice the pretty girl singing and dancing before the show started?  She is what would be known as an "idol" and yes, there are idol otaku out there.  They collect their favorite idol's CD's hang their posters on every wall and I don't want to think about what else they may have.  Here's the second part of the video.

Otakuology with Nakagawa Shoko - Part 2
by HMMaster

There you have it.  Now it should be known that this isn't by any stretch of the imagination a comprehensive lesson.  This is just something to get us started.  Bear in mind that this blog isn't going to cover any pasucon (personal computer) or tetsudou (train) ota and very little figure ota.  Here we'll concentrate on idol, maid, manga and anime ota with a little eroge ota thrown in for good measure.  I hope you enjoy your stay and keep coming back for more great otaku content!

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